For the purposes of the National Forest Policy Statement, old growth forest has been defined as "Forest that is ecologically mature and has been subject to negligible unnatural disturbance such as logging, roading and clearing". The definition focuses on forests in which the upper stratum or overstorey is in the late mature to over mature growth phases
Old Growth Forest
Open Grained
Common classification for woods with large pores in the grain. Also known as coarse textured.
Open Web Truss
A truss where the webs are open and visible
Oregon Maple
Oregon Maple is popular in veneer production for furniture and cabinetry. Its highly figured wood is sought after for musical instruments such as guitar bodies, stringed instruments and piano frames, as well as salad bowls. The Indigenous Lakwungen people of Vancouver Island knew it as the ‘Paddle Tree’ and created paddles and spindle wheels from its wood.
Organic Building Materials
These materials are those based on carbon compounds. They include sawn timber, reconstituted and engineered wood products and plastics.
Oven Dry
A term used to describe wood that has been dried in a ventilated oven at 102C to 105C until there is no additional loss of weight. Weight - The weight of wood when all the water has been driven off by heating the wood in an oven.
An allowance added to the nominal dimension of an unseasoned board to compensate for shrinkage during drying.
The end of timber that is unsupported by rack sticks and extends beyond the ends of most pieces in an air drying stack, rack, pack or unit of timber
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