Design Capacity Tables for Timber (DCTT) - Part B (unseasoned)

It is advisable that you first read DCTT - Part A, as this section contains supporting documents for the data.

The Design Capacity Tables for Timber (DCTT) is a design aid for structural engineers. It provides assistance in the limit states modelling of timber behaviour and can be used for:

  • Design - the selection of members to carry given design loads
  • Capacity determination - performance prediction of known members.

The DCTT helps to save effort, time and cost in the design of structural timber. 


Table information

Each grade contains seven tables with one table per page. There are four bending tables, two compression tables and one tension table for each grade.

  • Bending data - general (serviceability, fully restrained strength data)
  • Bending data - compression edge restraint (strength with regular restraints on compresssion edge)
  • Bending data - tension edge restraint (strength with regular restraints on the tension edge)
  • Bending data - FLR tension edge restraint and torsional restraint (strength with flybraces)
  • Compression data - lateral restraint against major axis buckling
  • Compression data - lateral restraint against minor axis buckling
  • Tension data - different configurations of bolt holes.


This page contains the unseasoned tables in the DCTT. Each table name starts with the name of the grade (the suffix 'u' indicates an unseasoned product):

  • F17u large
  • F17u
  • F14u large
  • F14u
  • F11u
  • F8u
  • F7u
  • F5u

You can obtain the seasoned tables here.


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