Selecting Fit-for-purpose Timber for Applications

When timber and wood products are sold, suppliers are bound by law to provide products that are fit for a customer’s intended purpose or application. A product is fit-for-purpose if it does the job that the consumer wants or was told that it would do, for an expected period of time. This topic provides an overview of consumer law, and discusses the key questions to be asked of the customer, and the performance requirements for major application types.

The topic contents are split into two areas:

  • The application and its requirements. This explains the basis of providing fit-for-purpose products, the need for suppliers to understand the customer’s application, and link between an application’s performance requirements and product performance. 
  • Specific considerations of applications. This outlines the major requirements of common applications, and describes appropriate product responses for them.

This topic has one video module:

VIDEO: Selecting Fit-for-purpose Timber for Applications: Getting Started Guide

Length: 5:55

Completing the learning resources in this topic can help you to understand the benefits of supporting customers in their selection and use of timber products; the questions that you should ask to confirm the application’s requirements, and aspects of timber product’s performance that influence whether is it fit for use in the customer’s intended application or not. 

If you successfully complete one or more of the Assessments, you will earn a WoodSolutions Knowledge Certificate. It can also provide pathways through to further education and training. Find out more about these pathways atWoodSolutions Campus Pathways.