Timber Engineering
This series of Timber Engineering courses intends to upskill engineers in design of buildings constructed using timber. Presenters Jon Shanks and Geoff Boughton from TimberED Services developed and delivered a series of six Timber Engineering webinars in mid 2020. The content for these Campus courses is based on the recorded webinars.

Laying Timber Flooring
A comprehensive introduction to timber flooring for professional and DIY'ers.

NCC Design of Mid-rise Timber Building: Specific Requirements
This course of 6 video modules introduces the NCC’s design requirements, terminology and specific fire requirements for the design of mid-rise timber buildings

NCC Design of Mid-rise Timber Building-Overview
An overview, in 6 video modules, of changes to the NCC’s DTS provisions that allow the use of lightweight and massive timber construction systems

NCC Design of Mid-rise Timber Buildings: Fire, Sound and Non-Habitable Area Requirements
This course covers fire, sound and non-habitable area requirements in 8 video modules

Timber Inspection
This 7 video module course introduces Australian Standards and the process of inspecting and certifying timber for house construction

Timber and Wood Products
An overview of products, their manufacture and major applications areas, generally available sizes and major standards controlling their manufacture or use

Introduction to Building Regulations and Standards
Most aspects of building are regulated. This course will help you understand how regulations and standards affect how timber is produced, specified and supplied for use in buildings in two key areas: timber product standards and building regulations

Design for Durability
This topic introduces the key wood properties that influence timber’s performance when it is exposed to hazards

Managing Timber's Moisture Content
This topic introduces you to things you need to know to determine an appropriate MC for timber in applications and handle and store timber and wood products to maintain that moisture content

Design for Bushfire
This topic introduces you to things you need to know for building in bushfire areas. It will help you choose and specify appropriate timber and wood products

Timber Grades and Grading
This topic introduces you to major grading methods, the structure and application of grades in industry, and their regulation through standards

Selecting Fit-for-purpose Timber for Applications
This topic provides an overview of consumer law, and discusses the key questions to be asked of the customer, and the performance requirements for major application types.

Timber and Wood Properties
This topic introduces you to the main things you need to know about timber and wood properties.

Environmental Characteristics of Timber
This topic introduces timber and wood products’ environmental characteristics, describes their potential contribution to sustainable development and compares them with those of major materials. As forestry practise can have significant impacts on the forest’s renewability and other impacts, the benefits and limits of forest and chain-of-custody certification are discussed.