5617 AB Eindhoven

The pavilion takes a strong stance on the construction industry’s large scale contribution to climate change through emissions, particularly concrete production. Biobasecamp presents CLT mass timber as the ‘concrete of the future’.
51.4490974, 5.4579634
The pavilion was built in collaboration with timber construction specialists Derix, using 200 metres cubed of cross-laminated timber (CLT). The lightweight CLT panels came in 16 x 3.5 metre lengths, allowing a modular construction with minimal wastage.
The CLT roof is supported by pillars made from the raw trunks of poplar trees, which have been taken from the motorway between Den Bosch and Eindhoven. The roof structure also acts as a second storey roof deck. The trees were destined to be cleared from the edge of the road for road anyway, for safety reasons due to their age. The trees were salvaged for the pavilion and re purposed in a meaningful way.
Using CLT and raw timber pillars meant that the whole structure could be prefabricated off site. This lead to speedy fabrication, along with an extremely short erection time, given all the joints and members were all ready to go.
The pavilion is notable for its star shaped form which allows users to explore the views of the city from five different perspectives. The CLT structural roof is lightweight and left exposed. The raw poplar pillars act in stark contrast to the smooth finish of the pine CLT.
Inside the structure, multiple exhibition spaces exist in which sustainable building techniques are explored.