Cedar, Western Red
Thuja plicata
Western red cedar is a large softwood that grows in British Columbia and some of the nearby western states of the USA. A versatile timber, it is commonly used for applications such as cladding, windows and joinery.
WoodSolutions provides details about the timber species and materials available for building in Australia. On this page you can search softwoods by botanical name, common name or application. Details for each species include; appearance, common applications, durability, strength, workability, termite-resistance and fire-resistance.
Thuja plicata
Western red cedar is a large softwood that grows in British Columbia and some of the nearby western states of the USA. A versatile timber, it is commonly used for applications such as cladding, windows and joinery.
Thuja plicata
Western red cedar is a large softwood that grows in British Columbia and some of the nearby western states of the USA. A versatile timber, it is commonly used for applications such as cladding, windows and joinery.
Thuja plicata
Western red cedar is a large softwood that grows in British Columbia and some of the nearby western states of the USA. A versatile timber, it is commonly used for applications such as cladding, windows and joinery.
Thuja plicata
Western red cedar is a large softwood that grows in British Columbia and some of the nearby western states of the USA. A versatile timber, it is commonly used for applications such as cladding, windows and joinery.
Thuja plicata
Western red cedar is a large softwood that grows in British Columbia and some of the nearby western states of the USA. A versatile timber, it is commonly used for applications such as cladding, windows and joinery.
Thuja plicata
Western red cedar is a large softwood that grows in British Columbia and some of the nearby western states of the USA. A versatile timber, it is commonly used for applications such as cladding, windows and joinery.
Thuja plicata
Western red cedar is a large softwood that grows in British Columbia and some of the nearby western states of the USA. A versatile timber, it is commonly used for applications such as cladding, windows and joinery.
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis
Yellow cedar is a North American softwood timber renowned for its attractiveness, durability and ease of tooling.
Callitris glaucophylla
White cypress is a highly durable Australian softwood timber species. It is readily available throughout Australia.
Callitris glaucophylla
White cypress is a highly durable Australian softwood timber species. It is readily available throughout Australia.
Callitris glaucophylla
White cypress is a highly durable Australian softwood timber species. It is readily available throughout Australia.
Callitris glaucophylla
White cypress is a highly durable Australian softwood timber species. It is readily available throughout Australia.
Callitris glaucophylla
White cypress is a highly durable Australian softwood timber species. It is readily available throughout Australia.
Callitris glaucophylla
White cypress is a highly durable Australian softwood timber species. It is readily available throughout Australia.
Callitris glaucophylla
White cypress is a highly durable Australian softwood timber species. It is readily available throughout Australia.
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Douglas fir is one of the world’s best-known timber species. Imported sawn timber products are readily available in Australia.
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Douglas fir is one of the world’s best-known timber species. Imported sawn timber products are readily available in Australia.
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Douglas fir is one of the world’s best-known timber species. Imported sawn timber products are readily available in Australia.
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Douglas fir is one of the world’s best-known timber species. Imported sawn timber products are readily available in Australia.
Tsuga heterophylla
Western hemlock is a softwood native to North America. It produces a lustrous pale timber that is an attractive choice for carving.
Agathis robusta
Queensland kauri is an Australian native softwood with a fine even texture, pale cream to light or pinkish brown heartwood and a straight grain.
Cupressus macrocarpa
Macrocarpa has yellow-brown heartwood colour, darker in old trees, sapwood 40-50mm, is paler coloured. Air-dry density 475-485 kgm-3, wood is soft with a fragrant, spicy odour.
Cupressus macrocarpa
Macrocarpa has yellow-brown heartwood colour, darker in old trees, sapwood 40-50mm, is paler coloured. Air-dry density 475-485 kgm-3, wood is soft with a fragrant, spicy odour.
Cupressus macrocarpa
Macrocarpa has yellow-brown heartwood colour, darker in old trees, sapwood 40-50mm, is paler coloured. Air-dry density 475-485 kgm-3, wood is soft with a fragrant, spicy odour.
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