NJA Consulting was formed in 1999 by former directors Jon Murphy and Wayne Parry, who currently have ongoing roles with the company. NJA currently have a total of 11 staff including directors John Van de Hoef and Darren McDonald, both with over 20 years industry experience both in south east Queensland and interstate. Our office is located in Springwood, Queensland giving us very good access to Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Logan areas. We also have a strong presence in the Northern Territory having been involved in numerous residential, commercial and institutional projects over the years. NJA Engineers Logan are highly diverse in the range of services offered and provides services to building contractors, private individuals, architects, insurance loss adjusters, local government, state government agencies, lawyers and manufacturers. At NJA we pride ourselves on being able to provide personal, professional and practical engineering services to all our clients. As a small to medium-sized consultancy, we are able to provide personally tailored and cost effective professional engineering services for smaller to medium-sized projects, Logan and elsewhere.
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