EPD Database

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Welcome to the EPD Database
The EPD Database provides values for embodied greenhouse gas emissions (embodied carbon) for a range of timber products and construction materials manufactured in Australia and overseas. Values provided are from published Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) verified as compliant with ISO 14025 and EN15804 and registered with EPD Australasia and/or within the International EPD System and other credible EPD Programs. Sources of values are provided within the database.

Embodied Emissions

Industry Averages
90 products including structural timber products, internal appearance products, landscape products, and more.

Product Specific
How can this database help me?
WoodSolutions has partnered with Thinkstep-ANZ to develop an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Database. This database consolidates pertinent information drawn from all publicly available EPDs for timber building products utilised in the Australian market, encompassing structural (both treated and untreated), aesthetic, and landscaping components manufactured in Australia and overseas.
Update your company EPDs
We aim to keep this database continually updated to best serve design and build users.
Help us do that by letting us know when your company or product EPDs are updated.