The National Construction Code (NCC) 2019 Changes – Symposium will be held on Tuesday 2nd April to Friday 5th April 2019 at the Realm Hotel, Barton, ACT.
The Symposium is designed to provide far more than an overview of what is changing. Delegates will receive detailed information about the most important changes, what’s behind them and the practical impacts of these changes. In addition to a detailed look at what is changing within each of the BCA volumes, there will also be considerable time spent examining the changes to key amended standards referenced in them. This is not only the best opportunity to get an in-depth understanding of all the NCC changes, but a great opportunity to mix professionally with your colleagues from around the country.
Venue: Hotel Realm, Barton, ACT
Register: see here
Program outline
Please note the program will be subject to confirmation upon release of the final NCC publication February 2019 and the below is only provided as a general guide.
Tuesday 2 April and Wednesday 3 April
- NCC structure
- New verification methods
- Fire
- Access & Egress
- Service & equipment
- Health & amenity
- Energy & efficiency
- Relevant referenced standards
Thursday 4 April and Friday 5 April
- NCC structure
- New verification methods
- New Performance Provisions
- Amended acceptable construction practice in a number of parts
- Relevant referenced standards