WoodSolutions proudly sponsors AIQS Webinar: The secret of timber projects: how to make them stack up

Start/End Date
23 Jul 2024 11:45am
Third Party Cost
Tile of WoodSolutions x AIQS Webinar. Title: The secret of timber projects: how to make them stack up. Time: Tuesday 23 July 11:45 AM - 1 PM


Have you been asked to price a timber design only to find that the proposed option can't meet the client's target budget? This is an all too familiar scenario which often doesn't need to be the case. Join WoodSolutions Advisor, Laurence Ritchie, in this webinar brought to you by WoodSolutions and the AIQS as he unpacks the key cost drivers for timber buildings, and how others have avoided this issue.


Headshot of man against wooden backdrop

Laurence Ritchie

Currently working as a Contract Administrator at Kapitol Group, Laurence has also collected a range of career experiences working on the client side, and for WoodSolutions as a technical cost advisor. He has studied and toured hundreds of timber projects around the world and is pleased to be able to put his experience to use first-hand while continuing to share through guest lectures and industry events.

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