WoodSolutions Proudly Sponsors - HIA GreenSmart Awards & Symposium

Start/End Date
25 Aug 2023 9:30am
Cargo Hall, South Wharf, Melbourne VIC
Third Party Cost: $495 - $594 AUD
WoodSolutions Proudly Sponsors the HIA GreenSmart Awards and Symposium on August 25

Decision-makers in the industry, sustainability thought-leaders and those at the forefront of innovation are invited to come together for one dynamic day of speakers, tours and awards. This event delivers a truly unparalleled networking opportunity for participants.

Sustainability in residential building is an evolving space. Stay at the forefront of the latest ideas and regulations or find inspiration from product innovation and outstanding case studies at the HIA GreenSmart Symposium in Melbourne. 

Passionate and like-minded industry professionals from across Australia will come together for a dynamic one-day event offering education and a curated design tour, topped off by the 2023 HIA Australian GreenSmart Awards. This popular event delivers an unparalleled networking and learning opportunity for participants.


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