WoodSolutions Proudly Sponsors | Resources for Recovery: Post-Flood Assessment & Repair

Start/End Date
24 Mar 2022 11:00am

In the wake of recent and devastating flooding across South-East Queensland and Northern New South Wales, Timber Queensland has a panel of experts to offer practical advice for the assessment and repair of flood damaged timber and timber houses.


This free webinar serves as your guide from the immediate aftermath to starting the rebuilding process. TQ will cover how to assess and manage structural damage, timber-related issues, waterlogged floors and decks, and other critical areas of concern faced by homeowners and builders after a flood or heavy rainfall event. Our expert panel will address general guidelines under the Queensland Development Code for construction in flood hazard zones, and give advice for engaging with trades post-crisis. The Australian climate is tough; but we are tougher. TQ’s Resources for Recovery webinar is suitable for homeowners, tradespeople, volunteers, and all those who are involved in the clean-up and repair process, or who want to be prepared to respond to present and future inclement weather events.

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