WoodSolutions Webinar | Taroona & Yandoit: Pushing the Boundaries of Timber & Prefab

Start/End Date
06 May 2025 11:00am
Image of multi-level house with large glass windows sitting amongst gum trees

What will I learn?

Join us for an exclusive webinar exploring prefabrication & timber innovation in architecture through the story of Taroona and Yandoit House. We will be joined by Jas Johnston – Founder & CEO of Candour. Candour is transforming the future of construction by providing architects and builders with precision-engineered, prefabricated timber components that enhance efficiency and sustainability. We will cover the design and construction of Taroona and Yandoit House, see how Candour’s approach promoted prefabrication into the project, and shed insights into the sustainability, structural engineering, and aesthetic benefits of timber systems.

📷 Photo by: Thurston Empson


Professional headshot of man

Jas Johnston, Founder & CEO, Candour

Jas Johnston is the founder and CEO of Candour. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Melbourne and a Master of Architecture from RMIT University.

Headshot of man

Josh FitzGerald - Founder and Director, Archier

Josh FitzGerald is the founder and director of Archier. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Tasmania and a Master of Architecture from Deakin University.

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