World Conference Timber Engineering

Start/End Date
10 - 14 Aug 2014
Canada : Quebec

World Conference Timber Engineering

August 10-14 in Quebec City, Canada, the birthplace of Canada’s wood industry.

WCTE is the most prestigious international event in timber engineering, engineered wood products and design of timber structures, which is held biannually in different parts of the world and attracts researchers, engineers and architects, code consultants and building officials, contractors and project managers, fabricators and suppliers from all continents.


Timber construction has a rich history. We are re-discovering what our predecessors had accomplished and we are striving to surpass their level of ingenuity by capitalising on the past achievements and modern wood-based products and systems, design tools and technology developed at the forefront of the research, design and construction communities. 

WoodSolutions is sponsoring a group of undergraduates and recent graduates to attend the WCTE on a tour hosted by timber engineers, Alastair Woodard and Boris Iskra.

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