This Guide is intended to provide an introduction to the fire safety design of timber buildings in compliance with NCC and is suitable for a broad range of building practitioners including fire safety engineers, building certifiers, structural engineers, fire authorities, architects, and building consultants.
This Guide provides a general review of the NCC compliance pathways and Assessment Methods and focusses on how these pathways and Assessment Methods can be applied to timber buildings and elements of construction to verify compliance with the NCC.
Printed Copies
Hard copies of most WoodSolutions design guides are available for purchase from SAI Global
More information and examples can be found on the page Fire Regulation Compliance through Performance Solutions

Fire Safe Design of Timber Structures - Compliance with the NCC
This Guide is intended to provide an introduction to the fire safety design of timber buildings in compliance with NCC and is suitable for a broad range of building practitioners including fire safety engineers, building certifiers, structural engineers, fire authorities, architects, and building consultants.
This Guide provides a general review of the NCC compliance pathways and Assessment Methods and focusses on how these pathways and Assessment Methods can be applied to timber buildings and elements of construction to verify compliance with the NCC.
Printed Copies
Hard copies of most WoodSolutions design guides are available for purchase from SAI Global
More information and examples can be found on the page Fire Regulation Compliance through Performance Solutions

Fire Safe Design of Timber Structures - Methods of Analysis and Supporting Data
This Technical Design Guide provides information on methods of analysis and supporting data that can be applied to the design of timber structures in Australia if the Performance Solution or DTS pathways are followed. The Guide focuses on methods of analysis and supporting data applicable to timber structures that are of greatest relevance to the Australian building industry and the NCC.
Printed Copies
Hard copies of most WoodSolutions design guides are available for purchase from SAI Global

Performance Solution Fire Compliance - Internal Linings
This Performance Solutions guide is unavailable as it is being reviewed and updated.
Please check the WoodSolutions newsletter for news about the update release.