This guide outlines key design and construction considerations for light domestic timber decks for both raised and close to or on-ground timber decks that are exposed to the weather.
It covers decks that are associated with Class 1 structures (such as detached houses, villas and townhouses) and Class 10 structures (such as garages, sheds and swimming pools) according to the National Construction Code (NCC) Volume 2. For the design and construction of decks for commercial, industrial or marine applications, or where a deck has to take heavier loads such as tiles, spas or even vehicles, a structural engineer must be consulted.
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Domestic Timber Deck Design
The contents of this 24 page guide include:
1.1 Bushfire Construction Requirements
1.2 Termite Protection
1.3 Timber Framing
1.4 Bearers and Joists
1.4.1 Structural Joints and Connections
1.4.2 Connector and Fasteners Durability
1.5 Decking Boards
1.5.1 Span Capacity
1.5.2 Nail Fixing
1.5.3 Machine-Driven Nails
1.5.4 Screw Fixing
1.5.5 Fixings to Steel Joists
1.5.6 Hidden Fixings
1.6 Fixing Deck Structure to Existing Buildings
1.7 Timber Finishes
1.7.1 Slip Resistance
1.8 Timber Durability
1.8.1 Natural Durability Classes
1.8.2 Preservative-Treated Timber Hazard Levels
1.9 Handrails and Balustrades
1.10 Maintenance and Wear
1.10.1 Pot Plants and Other Permanent Placed Items
1.10.2 Resealing the Deck
1.11 Tannin, Iron Stain and Resin Bleed
1.11.1 Tannin Bleed
1.11.2 Iron Stain
1.11.3 Resin Bleed
2 Specific Requirements
2.1 Raised Timber Decking
2.1.1 Sub-Deck Supports
2.1.2 Deck Framing and Decking Boards
2.2 Decks Close To or On-Ground
2.2.1 Sub-Deck Area Preparation
2.2.2 Footings
2.2.3 Termite Inspection
2.2.4 Deck Framing and Decking Boards.