WoodSolutions Design Guides have been developed to provide an authoritative source of information for design and construction professionals, the timber industry and other interested readers. Written by specialists, each guide aims to present the most up-to-date information to facilitate compliance with regulations including the National Construction Code (NCC).
Please Note: Elements of the NCC may vary between states and local jurisdictions. Check with your local authorities if you are unsure.
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Timber-framed Construction for Multi-residential Buildings Class 2 & 3
MRTFC (Multi-Residential Timber Framed Construction) is a certified fire and sound rated timber construction system conforming with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) for multi-residential buildings. The Timber-framed Construction for Multi-residential Buildings Class 2 & 3 Design and Construction Guide provides designers, specifiers, builders, code officials and certifying authorities with information on MRTFC fire-resisting timber-framed construction that complies with the BCA.
For timber-framed construction, this guide demonstrates achievement of targeted fire and sound performance requirements in the BCA for Class 2 & 3 buildings. In this context, the guide provides certified construction details that utilise the BCA Deemed to Satisfy Provisions. Specific areas of performance addressed include:
Sound insulation of wall, floor and ceiling elements relevant to Sole Occupancy Units and surrounding construction
Fire-resisting construction of wall, floor and ceiling elements relevant to Sole Occupancy Units and surrounding construction
In addition, this guide provides assistance for those wanting to improve and upgrade sound performance beyond minimum BCA requirements, including low frequency impact sound, vibration induced sound and flanking noise. This guide does not deal with all aspects of fire safety and sound insulation. For further details on this issue refer to Appendix B - Deemed to Satisfy fire requirements Not covered by this Guide. Finally, this guide does not provide advice on which tested wall and floor systems should be used as there are many suppliers of these systems. The guide provides advice in many instances on how these tested systems are joined and interact while maintaining the objectives of the BCA.
This section contains the following resources:
Timber-framed Construction for Multi-residential Buildings Class 2 & 3 - this design guide assists in complying with fire and sound performance requirements in the BCA for Class 2, 3 and 9 buildings
CAD details of all relevant drawings in TDG2
The details are available for the following CAD software formats: ArchiCAD (.mod), AutoCAD (.dwg), Revit (.rvt) as well as JPEG and PDF formats
NOTE: Each ZIP file includes a document that cross references each CAD detail to the relevant figure in TDG2