Pre Coating Your Timber & Fire Coating Specialists
Contact supplier
Carrum Downs
- Wholesale/Trade sales
- Coatings & treatments
-38.1011333, 145.1675745
We offer a wide range of machine-applied timber paint finishes in our controlled factory environment. Our highly cost-effective and efficient processes, make the cost of freight completely irrelevant. Logicoat services major clients throughout Australia. We also offer application of Fireshield Timber Clear coatings.
We offer full factory-based timber coating services with super-competitive rates for all your coating needs. Our coating lines, allow us to give you a very constant finish on high volumes of timber, quickly and inexpensively.
We coat, weatherboards, claddings, linings, battens, shiplap, plywood panels, veneered MDF, OSB strand board, architraves, and just about anything you can think of.
We do roller coating, Curtain Coating, and up to 6 gun Spray coating. We operate an 8 head profile brush sander for linear timbers and architraves etc. We also have a 1300mm wide panel brush sander for Doors, Plywood and timber Veneers, etc.
Logicoat is the largest user of Fireshield timber products. We offer on-site or factory application, of Fireshield Group 1 timber coatings
Try us for a better price or check our instant estimate calculator below for a comparison.