Manufacturing and sourcing natural, unique and beautiful veneers for architectural specification
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- Timber building products
Matilda Veneer's ethos is to source uncommon and hard-to-find timber and produce veneers at high quality, even when particular species can be notoriously hard to work with. Our aim is to ensure customers have access to products that are truly distinctive. This creates an end product of sophistication, quality and uniqueness for our clients.
Matilda Veneer has an exclusive and elite selection of companies distributing our products around the world at architects, interior designers, project managers, shopfitters, joiners, cabinet makers, trades people and the general public.
In addition to our beautiful selection of natural timber veneers, we are also proud to manufacture and source the following:
Matilda Hoop: a high quality, appearance-grade Hoop Pine plywood with multi-ply construction as standard;
Matilda Fireply: a Group 1 fire-retardant plywood ideal for interior cladding in commercial building; and
Matilda Lite Ply: a unique, lightweight appearance-grade plywood ideal for use in projects where weight or cost are key considerations.
Other Species supplied include: Ebony, Silver Ash, European Beech, Bollywood, Dillenia, Bolly Silkwood, Red Tulip Oak, Black Bean, Caloon, Silver Silkwood, Rose Alder, European Oak, Blush Alder, Northern Silky Oak, Vitex, Queensland Blackwood, Amboyna-burl, Candlenut, Sapele, Raintree, Pencil Cedar.
Australia's only Group 1 Certified fire-retardant plywood- matilda fireply.
Manufacturers of high quality hoop pine plywood.
- Ash, Mountain
- Ash, Victorian
- Beech, Myrtle
- Birch, White
- Blackbutt
- Blackbutt, New England
- Blackwood
- Box, Brush
- Box, Grey
- Cedar, Red
- Cedar, Western Red
- Cherry, American
- Coachwood
- Cypress, White
- Fir, Douglas
- Gum, Forest Red
- Gum, Grey
- Gum, Manna
- Gum, River Red
- Gum, Rose
- Gum, Shining
- Gum, Southern Blue
- Gum, Spotted
- Gum, Sydney Blue
- Ironbark, Grey
- Ironbark, Red
- Jarrah
- Karri
- Laurel, Camphor
- Mahogany, Red
- Mahogany, White
- Maple, Queensland
- Marri
- Messmate
- Messmate, Gympie
- Oak, American Red
- Oak, American white
- Oak, Tasmanian
- Pine, Celery Top
- Pine, Hoop
- Pine, Radiata
- Poplar, Balsam
- Rosewood
- Sassafras
- Satinash, Grey
- Sheoak, WA
- Stringybark, Silvertop
- Sycamore, Satin
- Tallowwood
- Taun
- Tea Tree, Broad-leaved
- Teak
- Turpentine
- Walnut, American Black
- Walnut, New Guinea
- Walnut, Queensland
- Walnut, Yellow
- Wattle, Silver