Timber continues to be one of the most desired and popular internal lining options, and for good reason. Wood is a natural, environmentally friendly, carbon storing material that provides functional performance, aesthetic beauty, and a positive and a tactile material connection with nature. Research has shown this can boost occupant health and well-being. A fact that not only benefits the occupants, but also enhances the value of the property, translating into higher rental return and selling prices.
Getting the optimum internal timber lining system solutions for commercial and public buildings requires a good understanding of both the regulatory compliance requirements and the key design and specification details.
In this WoodSolutions webinar, our expert presenters clearly explain the current NCC requirements for internal timber lining systems in Class 1-9 buildings. They will also look at the timber lining fire-related reports and technical manuals available; and discuss the types of timber internal products available including:
- their performance, installation and finishing requirements
- the key design considerations, how to specify them correctly
- the typical detailing considerations one might encounter and
- how to resolve them.
Flagship projects are also included illustrating and inspiring just how timber internal linings can deliver an exquisite, beautiful, healthy, and natural internal environment.
Boris Iskra | National Codes & Standards Manager, FWPA
Boris has an extensive understanding of the Australian forest and wood products sector with over 30 years of direct involvement. One of his technical roles is as the National Codes & Standards Manager for Forest & Wood Products Australia (FWPA) where he coordinates the development and review of Australian timber standards, and associated building standards and codes. Boris holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Structural) degree and Post Graduate qualification in Building Fire Safety and Risk Engineering. He is the FWPA representative on a range of Standards Australia’s codes committees
Barnaby Napier | Business Development Manager, Sculptform
Barnaby Napier is the Business Development Manager with Sculptform (previously Woodform Architectural) who manufacture high quality feature modular wall, ceiling, and facade systems. Sculptform’s wood and aluminium products have been utilised on the feature walls and ceilings of some of the largest commercial projects throughout Australia. Wood products include curved and click-on timber battens and screens, tongue and grove cladding and lining boards. Sculptform have over 50+ team members located in Bendigo, Melbourne, Sydney and Christchurch, with their main office and factory situated in Bendigo Victoria