This presentation explores the techniques that can be incorporated within the design and manufacture of Advance Digital Timber Fabrication and are presented in two-parts.
Digitalisation into Timber Fabrication
Digitalisation has found its way into timber construction, with entire elements being fabricated by computer-aided systems into finished products. The next frontier of advance manufacturing is enabling the digitally informed and fabricated spatial assembly of timber into prefabricated timber elements frame modules. The presentation investigates the spatial assembly of timber elements into a fully integrated robotic fabrication process.
Collaborative Design of Prefabricated Façade Systems (CoDeFa)
CoDeFa is a joined research project between Institute Integrative Design|Masterstudio, FHNW and ERNE AG Holzbau. This research's primary goal is to improve the built environment on a larger scale by providing efficiency of manufacturing facade elements without sacrificing design freedom. Through collaborative work between woodwork engineers, experienced designers, robotics specialists and software developers, established a novel approach to designing and producing prefabricated façade systems that are individualised, well-crafted, yet cost-efficient.
Thomas Wehrle – CTO at Erne AG Holzbau
A timber engineer, Thomas has worked at Erne for 16 years within their timber business. Erne has been at the very cutting edge of advance manufacturing in timber fabrication.
Edyta Augustynowicz – Project Manager at Parametrik Erne Ag Holzbau
Edyta is an architect with versatile experience in design. Her interests focus on architecture and how it could be enriched and further developed with the application of advanced computational techniques and digital fabrication.