A typical terrace house in need of storage inspiration, the extensive timber flooring and joinery at Mills House provides a practical solution, with the aesthetic appeal of natural timber.
The spotted gum faced plywood that covers the floor in Mills house is more than just a character-rich floor sheeting, it comprises the lids of the storage joinery for the house. Even the kid’s bedroom has a floor that is all joinery.
The joinery is the floor and the floor is the joinery. The rich grained plywood is used as a natural honest material that is both a hard wearing floor and practical cabinetry doors. It also brings an added warmth to the house. Hardwood plywood is the perfect material for the use of joinery as floor.
Upstairs the bedroom joinery in the kid’s room is fabricated from spotted gum faced plywood sheeting – desk, shelving and bunk bed. Like the floor/joinery, the desk/shelving has more than one use, as these form the ladder up to the bunk. The plywood has an oil finish.
100 percent of the timber used in the joinery is assured by the supplier (Big River Group) to be Australian Certified Timber.